In 1924 he was the first futurist to exhibit at the Venice Biennale. Over the course of his life, Doctors will participate in 10 editions of the Biennale.
His major contribution to the futurist movement was dedicated to Aeropainting: he was in fact among the signatories of the Aeropaint Manifesto (signed by Marinetti only in 1929), signed in 1931 together with Marinetti, Balla and Prampolini, the main exponents of the movement.

Between 1925 and the late 1930s he lived in Rome writing in various art magazines. In 1932 he is cited as the first example of a futurist artist also engaged in sacred subjects in the Manifesto of Sacred Futurist Art signed by Marinetti and Fillia. [2]

In 1939 he won the chair of painting at the Academy of Perugia, directing it until 1947.
In 1941, in the middle of the world war, he wrote the Umbrian Manifesto of Aeropainting, where he clarified that the true essence of his futurism lay in representing mystical settings and landscapes.

He always remained faithful to futurism, even after the decline of the latter and its "total landscape". In recent years, in particular, his works appear in the main retrospectives on futurism both in Italy and abroad. [3] He died in the Umbrian capital in 1977 and was buried in the monumental cemetery of Perugia, in the section reserved for illustrious citizens.
He obtained the greatest results by depicting landscapes and visions of his land, Umbria, mostly with images perceived from great heights, among the most famous of which are Umbrian Spring and Fire in the city, both of the early 1920s; the latter is exhibited at the Civic Museum of Palazzo della Penna in Perugia where numerous works by the artist are kept.