Perilli Achille (Rome 1927) was co-founder, with Carla Accardi, Ugo Attardi, Pietro Consagra, Piero Dorazio, Mino Guerrini, Antonio Sanfilippo and Giulio Turcato, of the “Forma 1 Group”, in 1947.
After attending the Liceo Classico, he graduated from the Faculty of Arts with a thesis on Giorgio De Chirico's metaphysical painting. He stays in Paris, where he frequents Arp, Magnelli and Picabia. In '48 he joined the MAC, then stayed in Austria and Germany. With Gastone Novelli he founded the magazine L'Esmosfera Moderna (1957-1959). He creates with Aldo Clementi, composer, Collage abstract visual show at the Eliseo Theater in Rome.

After having participated in a personal room at the 1962 Venice Biennale, he won the Fontana Prize at the 1963 San Marino Biennale. He begins to create a series of painted sculptures: The Columns always in '63. In '65 he created sets and costumes of the Mutazioni ballet for the Scala in Milan. After having had a personal room at the 1968 Venice Biennale, a year later he made a trip to Poland, coming into contact with the Polish artistic circles. In '71 he wrote the Manifesto of the Mad Image in the Imaginary Space, and in '75 he published the manifesto Machinerie, ma chère machine. He creates Dies Irae, an abstract show on electronic tape by Aldo Clementi for the Teatro dell'Opera di Roma.

In 1982 he participated in the creation of Retina, where he published the manifesto Theory of the geometric irrational, and in 1985 he wrote the text On the way to paint the invisible. He exhibited at Forma 1 exhibitions in 1986 in Italy and in 1987-1988 in France and Germany. In 1991 the publication of the Librericciuola began: a series of twenty-five books with texts by various authors and his illustrations. In 1992 the Achille Perilli exhibition took place at the National Chalcography and Academy of San Luca in Rome. Le carte e i libri 1946-1992, a retrospective of limited edition works on paper and books. In 1996 he published the magazine Metek, an illustrated allunatic babbecetary. Make a series of wood carvings called Trees.