ANDRE' MASSON - Biography

André Aimé René Masson (Balagny-sur-Thérain, 4 January 1896 - Paris, 28 October 1987) was a French painter.
André Masson dedicated his artistic life to the exploration of the irrational world through art, as a direct sublimation of the conflicts with the primary forces, which he had experienced during his experience in the First World War In the first post-war period Masson came into contact with the surrealist circles through André Breton. Under the influence of the surrealists Masson experimented with various techniques of "automatic" artistic production, that is linked to random factors Towards the end of the 1920s, Masson began to consider the automatic techniques of surrealism limiting and left the surrealist movement trying to obtain a more structured style. . During this period he produced works with a violent or erotic theme, especially in relation to the events of the Spanish Civil War. After the Second World War, Masson returned to France and settled in Aix-en-Provence, where he began to paint landscapes. The artist was now he was considered a master of surrealism. Important retrospectives were dedicated to him in Berlin and Amsterdam. In 1972 he exhibited at the Venice Biennale.