Pierluigi de Lutti born in Monfalcone on August 23rd 1959. At the age of 17 he leaves his family and home and lives in Ferrara where he alter- nates his studies with the practice of sports. His interest in art (a graduate of the Art Academy) becomes evident in the 80’s when he return to Friuli and gets in contact with Luciano Chine- se’s “Nuovo Spazio” Gallery and the art critic Paolo Rizzi that passed away in 2006. The artist intuition accompanies his frequentation of the Art Atelier of the Master Giuseppe Zigaina. The poet Mario Stefani commented his work for a long time. During those years, he became to display the first works that met the publics and not solely the local critics’s appreciation. During the 90’s he attended the Abstractism Courses for long persiods of time (Astract Bilt) in Los
An- geles and New York passing from Figurative to Informal painting.
In 2005 the collaboration with the Galleria d’Arte Orler begins and the public justly values the proposals and, even to today, his artistic performance is followed with interest. New York’s Mo.Ma. invites him to be part of “The Artist’s Viewing Program” after having selected one of his works in 2005 (“Doppie Ferite” - 2001) placing it in the Museum’s Bookstore Catalogue “Present Spiritalism”. In 2008 partecipates in the final Art Award and wins an international prize in the painting section and obtains second place. He receives a degree in history of Art of Università di Verbano whith the Academic Title “ad ho- norem” as painter and sculptur. Starts to cooperate with DJT FINE ART Gallery of New York.