Since the 1960s, the Arte Centro gallery has been involved, thanks to the figure of the historic director Fiorella La Lumia, one of the first women to move in the world of art, to make the historical recovery of all the artists of the second futurism , when again, proposing futurist artists meant being accused of fasciamo.
The historical recovery began with the exhibition of Cesare Andreoni and Enrico Prampolini in the early 70s.
In the 1980s, Fiorella's son, Flavio Lattuada, took over the reins of the gallery and continued the work of historical recovery with a large exhibition with more than eighty works by Gerardo Dottori, including all those from the Tancredi-Loreti collection in Perugia.
Subsequently, in the 90s, with various exhibitions including Balla, Depero and group exhibitions of futurist artists, the Arte Centro gallery established itself on the national scene as the only gallery to deal with futurism in an important way.
In 2000 the gallery made an important exhibition of Romolo Romani, with many drawings and charcoals.
In 2001, there was the historical recovery of Roberto Marcello Baldessari, the first exhibition on the Italian scene.
In 2006, the gallery made the historical rediscovery of the Sicilian futurists, in particular Giulio D'Anna, painting influenced by the colors of Sicily, which is becoming more and more popular.
During the 2000s, various futurist artists were exhibited, there was a large exhibition by Giacomo Balla in 2008, and in 2019, a beautiful exhibition by Giulio D'Anna.
The last historical recovery was that of Pierlugi Bossi, aka Sibò, in the 2019/2020 season, an artist born in Milan, who moved to Tuscany, but later to Latina, where he was the coordinator of the whole group of Latina futurists.
In the next season, a third solo show by Giamoco Balla will be proposed again.
The Arte Centro gallery will continue to establish itself as a reference point for futurism, naturally the loan of works for public exhibitions in Italy and abroad will also continue.